Past Events

Our Great Plains Valentine's party is Wednesday, February 11 at the Sioux Valley Energy Building, 108 N. Heritage Rd. Brandon, SD 57005.

Social starts at 5 p.m. and catered dinner buffet at 6:30 p.m.

The meal will be catered for $10. Roast beef, Turkey, Cheesy Hashbrown Potatoes, Greenbean Casserole, Lettuce, Snicker Salad, Bun, Punch, Lemonade

Please RSVP to Maritta Husman (359-3484) or email so we have correct headcount and supplies for the caterer.  

To keep it simple we're not selling advance tickets, but we do need a correct number for the catering charge.

If you have questions, just reply.

Thanks, Clay Seachris, President, Great Plains Street Rodders

2014 Christmas Party

Yes it's that time of year again!


The Great Plains Street Rodders Annual Christmas Party is the evening of December 6 at LifeScape (formerly SD Achieve) Conference Center. 


Directions: LifeScape at 4100 S Western Ave (North East Corner of Western and 229).  Park on the Southwest side of the building, watch for signs that say CONFERENCE CENTER.  Entrance is on the SW Corner of the building. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for the social and the dinner is at 5:30 followed by the gift exchange game.

The 2014 Christmas Party Committee members are: Maritta Husman, Judy Horan, Jayne DeBoer, Susan Seachris and LaDell Mertons. Thank you for volunteering. 

The committee is already working on a $12 catered meal and a decorating plan. The meal will be the same as last year with a choice of two entrées. They'll have catered meal tickets for sale starting November 19.

Every year, we have to sell advance meal tickets, so the caterer has a total attendance by Dec. 1.

To play in the gift exchange, bring a
gender-specific gift that costs around $15 or less than $20. 
This year there is no set up or take down required by the car club. We're just required to leave the room with the same like appearance as when we arrived.

We're at round tables that seat 6 at a table with tablecloths & folding chairs. Which make it much easier to mingle and steal gifts. LOL.

The Christmas Tree will be set up with two tables (Men Gifts/Women Gifts) on each side.
We'll share more information as plans are finalized. Thank you to those volunteers on the Christmas Committee and all the others helping to make this a most memorable evening.  The committee looks forward to visiting with you regarding your input and ideas. You may also reply to me and I'll try to help also.


Don't forget to wear your club ID badges for all the new members to get to know us.  Mark will also be set up to make new badges or those new members.

Thank you,

Clay Seachris, President, Great Plains Street Rodders

Mark Your Calendar -You're Invited


The annual Ice Breaker Party - Potluck Social, Friday, January 16, at Mike and Lori Paulson's garage, 900 N. Menlo.


Social starts at 5:30 p.m. and we'll eat about 6:30 p.m. Potluck and bring your own beverage.


The Terrace Park Pool parking lot (north of the bathhouse) is across from their home on Menlo Av enue, so you'll have an off-street parking option.


There are always games to play, a big screen TV tuned to SPEED channel, pool table and a fun optional contest (NERDS!) for entertainment.


This year's theme/contest is "Nerds". Nerds have been around for decades and there may be a little nerd in all of us.


Definition of Nerd: "a single-minded expert in a particular technical field" and "a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious"


Oh and the food is always awesome.  Don't miss this fun evening.

(Contest participation is always optional.)


Thank you Mike & Lori for inviting us again, you have such a great place to have a social and are always such wonderful hosts.


Reply to this email or call Lori at 351-0416 if you have questions.

Clay Seachris, President, Great Plains Street Rodders




To see pictures of this event click here



Call Cheryl @ 941-2644 if you have any questions.

Join us for a late-summer, one-day cruise and lots of fun!!!

On Saturday, Sept. 27th, we will be gathering at Hy-Vee on 26th and Sycamore at 6:30 a.m., departing at 7:00.

Our first stop is at Akron, Iowa for furnished coffee and rolls.
From there, we visit the scenic Stone State Park and nearby Loess Ridge Nature Center.  Bring a sack lunch as we will eat in a park en route to picturesque Woodbine which hosts a car show/Apple Festival.
Leaving Woodbine between 4:00 and 4:30, we will cruise to Sioux City for supper at the Golden Corral.

Note*  The Loess Hills Scenic Byway is a nationally-recognized route that extends all along the western Iowa border to Hamburg located just north of the Missouri border.  It contains 16 additional loops but we will be cruising on only a portion of the main loop that is paved.

For any questions please contact Ron and Karen Roe at 332-4543.  See the pictures of these event at this link.

Featured Car of the Month
Read Featured Club Story August 2011


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