Nick's Burger Run - Brookings

The Nick's Burger Cruise to Brookings has become an annual event. Since it's an end of April or first of May cruise, many times it's the first cruise of the season. Needless to say the weather is usually not the best. This cruise is open to the public and we thank coordinaters Butch Yesda from the Great Plains Street Rodders and George Roetman from the SODAC'S. The SODAC'S cruise up from the Vermillion area.


There were 30 cars and 50 people that left Flying J. Three more cars and seven more people joined the cruise along the way. Speed Cave Tour was toured after lunch.


There were about 30 cars this year that met and cruised from Flying J. Despite high crosswinds was a fun time. Toured SDSU Art Museum and Coughlin Campanile.

2013 and Prior Years

Featured Car of the Month
Read Featured Club Story August 2011


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